Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Your Penis Says about Your Life Expectancy

Erectile dysfunction can turn fatal, according to new research

Erectile Dysfunction

A limp penis isn’t just bad news for your sex life: Guys with erectile dysfunction have a 70 percent increased risk for premature death, a new study from The University of Mississippi finds. 
Poor cardiovascular health is the most common cause of ED, says Tobias Köhler, M.D., an associate professor of urology at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. So if you’re unable to get hard, it’s often an early sign that your heart is in trouble.
In fact, many guys whose ED is caused by poor cardiovascular health wind up having life-threatening heart problems like a heart attack in the next five years, says Dr. Köhler. 
The vessels that carry blood to your penis are tiny, only one to two millimeters across, so they get clogged easily, says Dr. Köhler. 
If plaque starts to build up in your vessels—thanks to a poor diet, a lack of exercise, smoking, age, or genetics—the blood flow to your penis is the first thing that will get blocked off, Dr. Köhler says. 
That can make it impossible to get an erection.
If the plaque continues to build, it will start affecting larger arteries, like the ones that carry blood to and from your heart. That can cause a heartattack or sudden death, he says. 
That’s why it’s crucial to get your ED checked out by a doctor. If you heed the early warning sign, you may be able to fix your cardiovascular problems before they become fatal.
If you’ve been consistently unable to get it up, or keep it up, for three months, make an appointment with your primary physician, says Dr. Köhler.
Tell your doc about your erection problems—and make it the first thing you bring up, so your doctor has time to thoroughly check you out, he says.
(When your erection is up and running again, use this master course onHow to Pleasure a Woman to have the best sex of your life!)
If blocked arteries turn out to be the culprit, an improved diet and exercise regimen may reverse the damage and get your penis back in working order, he says. Your physician may also give you an ED drug like Viagra to help your sex life in the meantime.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Rules for Being a Great Leader

Becoming a great leader isn’t something that happens overnight, but it can be achieved through discipline, hard work and a commitment to improvement through experience. Great leaders aren’t born, as some people suggest; instead, they are shaped over time. And, while what makes a “great” leader in one application doesn’t always apply to others, there are some general rules that all great leaders follow.

If becoming a great leader in your own business or organization is your goal, these 50 rules are a good place to start:

1. Listen to your team. Rule one. Always listen to what your team has to say, even if you don’t like it.
2. Communicate as efficiently as possible. Make your expectations and feelings clear, in the appropriate medium as often as possible.
3. Talk less. Sometimes saying nothing is better than saying just anything.
4. Be an example. Be the type of person you want your team members to be.
5. Be passionate. If you aren’t passionate about your business, you’re in the wrong business.
6. Be consistent. Be consistent in your behaviors so your team knows what to expect from you.
7. Make firm decisions. Don’t leave things undecided for long, and don’t waver about a decision once you’ve made it.
8. Identify mentors and role models. Find people you can look up to and learn from, and follow them closely.
9. Interfere only when necessary. If you trust your team to do good work, don’t interfere unless absolutely necessary.
10. Know your limits. Don’t extend yourself beyond your means.
11. Know your strengths. If you’re good at resolving disputes, step in and resolve them as often as possible.
12. Know your weaknesses. If there’s something you’re not good at, admit it, and work on it.
13. Don’t make excuses. If you make a mistake, take ownership of it and don’t pass the blame to someone or something else.
14. Accept the unforeseen. You can’t control or predict everything.
15. Choose your partners carefully. Work only with people you can count on and trust.
16. Do good. Commit yourself to being a good person and giving back to the community when possible.
17. Meet new people all the time. Take every opportunity to expand your network and expose yourself to new experiences and perspectives.
18. Stay in touch with your emotions. Don’t be a robot -- let yourself feel.
19. Temper your reactions. Hold back your reactions until you have a moment to clarify your internal thoughts and feelings.
20. Have fun. Take the time to have fun with your team.
21. Research everything. Before making a decision, know the pros and cons -- do your homework.
22. Think everything through. Never exclusively trust your instincts or first reactions.
23. Choose your team carefully. Hire only those you can trust to get the job done (and to get along with others, as well).
24. Prioritize your team. Your team is everything. Give them whatever they need to succeed.
25. Be humble. Don’t get big-headed about your wealth, influence or position as a leader.
Related: 10 Habits of Ultra-Likable Leaders
26. Forgive mistakes. Everyone makes them.
27. Forgive yourself. Don’t beat yourself up too much over anything. Move on.
28. Be rational. Make decisions logically.
29. Be reasonable. Listen to dissenting opinions, and be fair.
30. Make time for what’s important. There’s no such thing as “not having time” for what’s really important in your life. Make the time.
31. Constantly learn. Read as much as you can, and take classes whenever you have the opportunity.
32. Improve everything. Work on improving your approaches, your skills and your processes constantly.
33. Never give up. Don’t throw in the towel when a little extra persistence could put you over the edge.
34. Transform your methods when necessary. If something isn’t working, change your approach.
35. Cut your losses when necessary. If you’re fighting a losing battle, retreat and start again somewhere else (or in a new way).
36. Learn from your mistakes. Try not to make the same mistakes twice.
37. Ground everything with data. Back up all your decisions, opinions and thoughts with hard, objective facts and evidence.
38. Don’t ignore signs of stress. Stress is real and can interfere with your ability to lead. If it starts setting in at abnormal levels, take action to reduce or relieve it.
39. Give feedback. Let your team know what they’re doing well and what needs further improvement.
40. Trust, but verify. Trust your team to get things done, but always follow up to make sure the work is completed.
41. Be approachable. Let people know they can trust you, and open your door to anybody who needs it.
42. Treat everyone equally. Don’t play favorites; it breeds resentment and makes you appear immature as a leader.
43. Don’t pursue close personal relationships with the team. Be on friendly terms, but don’t try to be best friends with everybody. You’re a leader, first and foremost.
44. Get the team together. Use team-building exercises or other excuses to get your team members talking with one other and having fun together.
45. Return favors. If someone helps you, make it your responsibility to pay back the favor -- even if it’s years later.
46. Don’t burn bridges. Never cut a contact completely out of your life.
47. Stay in touch. If team members leave or change roles, stay in contact with them.
48. Don’t sacrifice your personal life. Your personal life is necessary to retain your own mental health. Never sacrifice it for the sake of leadership or professional responsibilities.
49. Enjoy leadership. Try not to stress too much about being a leader. Instead, enjoy all the benefits it offers.
50. Take advice with a grain of salt. Even with these 50 rules! Because nobody knows everything, and no one piece of advice applies to all situations.
Follow these rules, trust your instincts and continually strive for self-improvement. Eventually, through your experiences and your efforts, you’ll become the type of leader most people only aspire to be.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Ways to Stay Healthy Without Spending Money

It turns out that some of the stuff that 

can keep you healthy is free for the taking


Even without a big, fat trust fund, you're still entitled to good health, and it turns out that some of the stuff that can keep you healthy is free for the taking.
Guys' Night Out
Worried about having heart attacks as you get on in years? Then keep having (no-stakes) poker night with the guys, even if you can't play as late as you used to. A Harvard school of public health study found that men in their 70s who had full social calendars also had less than half the blood levels of heart-damage markers compared to less socially integrated peers.
A Deep Breath
A study in Health Psychology found that healthy young adults with higher levels of hostility had lower lung function. The researchers think that the impairment accumulates gradually over the years to take its toll on health. Take a deep breath and count to 10 the next time the copier jams, and you'll breathe easier—and a lot longer.
A recent study led by researchers from the Harvard school of public health found that men who had low levels of vitamin D were twice as likely to have heart attacks as those who received higher levels of the "sunshine vitamin."
You don't have to take matters into your own hand to reap the benefits of ejaculation. Research from Wilkes University links having sex once or twice a week with higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that protects against colds and other infections.
Stanford researchers found that, in people who sleep less than 8 hours a day, body-mass index was inversely proportional to sleep duration. In other words, short sleepers were more likely to be fat guys. Short sleep was also associated with lower levels of leptin (a hormone that suppresses appetite) and higher levels of ghrelin (a chemical that stimulates it). It's not like being a werewolf, but stinting on your sleep could turn you into a ravenous beast.
Jumping Jacks
If you're now worried about raiding the fridge during your sleepless nights, here's a free solution: Researchers at Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo found that a session of moderate aerobic exercise helped one group of subjects increase total sleep time by 21 percent over groups who did heavy aerobics and moderate strength exercises.
A 2004 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that men who ejaculated 21 or more times a month were 33 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer. It appears that regularly evacuating your system may keep cancer-causing chemicals from building up in your prostate.
Love Handles
Visceral fat wrapped around your organs poses health risks, but subcutaneous fat may have more use than just a little somethin' to grab on to. In a Harvard study, subcutaneous fat transplanted into the abdominal cavities of mice decreased their body weight, fat mass, and insulin and blood-sugar levels. The researchers suggest that certain hormones produced by subcutaneous fat may improve metabolism.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Drinks for a Flattened Belly

A Flat Tummy is a dream of everyone. The mostly spoken milestones in this journey of tummy reduction are regular exercise, shrunken diet plans, gymnasium memberships and others. All of these, we perceive to be a marathon of impossibility. We must have tried some hundred times but must have failed more than what we actually try.

Apart from whatever has been told above, there is a multitude of other practices which can ultimately lead you to the gateway of a really flat belly. But have you ever known that there are a certain drinks; tasty, of course, which can make your tummy become entirely flat? Well, most of them do not.

But there are evidently such kinds of juices or drinks that can make you condense your belly fat when used with an enlightened sense of working. So let us see what these remarkably adorable drinks are and how these drinks are helpful to flatten the belly.

Mint Iced Tea to Lessen Belly Fat:
This tea prevents the belly from getting bloated up by enabling the digestion of fats. Also, this can be used as a refreshing agent. This way, it would help you out in compressing your belly.

Watermelon Frappe for a Sleek Tummy:

Watermelon is a natural hydrating agent due to the rich amount of water content in it (99%). It is a great alternative when you go to choose a perfect low-calorie drink. Its periodic consumption will lead you to the facilitation of controlling the mass fat gathering in the muscles. It has certain medicinal properties also, which are duly capable of combating cancer cells too.

Pineapple Frappe for a Slender Abdomen:
Pineapple can actively aid in facilitating proper and appropriate digestion and also can prevent bloating. It constitutes an enzyme called as bromelain which greatly takes up the accountability of protein digestion too.

Green Tea for a Lean Tummy:
Green Tea is highly antioxidant in nature which can presumably involve in the task of eliminating the belly fat. Also, it is well known to battle against many heart-related malfunctions if taken regularly. Consuming a cup of green tea before performing a workout can wonderfully accelerate the process of fat loss, thus giving an even belly.

Chocolate Drink to own a Slim Belly:
Chocolate which is efficiently rich in cocoa is known to be best effective in burning away calories around the periphery of the belly. It is also known that this is a really key appetite reducer and keeps you free from hunger for a longer time. It should not be considered as a snack but rather as a meal though. This is because it contains around 400 calories or more.

So, the above-described health drinks can be of potent help in lessening the belly fat and in accomplishing the task of a flat and a sleek tummy. Remember to take in good amounts of these at regular times, at least once in a single day. Apart from belly flattening, all of these are majorly known to enhance health durability too.

Four Wives

There was a man with four wives. He loved his fourth wife the most and took a great care of her and gave her the best.

He also loved his third wife and always wanted to show her off to his friends. However, he was always had a fear that she might runaway with some other man.

He loved his second wife too. Whenever he faced some problems, he always turned to his second wife and she would always help him out.

He did not love his first wife though she loved him deeply, was very loyal to him and took great care of him. One day the man fell very ill and knew that he is going to die soon.

He told himself, "I have four wives with me. I will take one of them along with me when I die to keep company in my death."

Thus, he asked the fourth wife to die along with him and keep company. "No way!" she replied and walked away without another word.

He asked his third wife. She said "Life is so good over here. I'm going to remarry when you die".
He then asked his second wife. She said "I'm Sorry. I can't help you this time around. At the most I can only accompany you till your grave."

By now his heart sank and he turned cold.

Then a voice called out: "I'll leave with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go."

The man looked up and there was his first wife. She was so skinny, almost like she suffered from malnutrition. Greatly grieved, the man said, "I should have taken much better care of you while I could have!"

Actually, we all have four wives in our lives.

a. The fourth wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it'll leave us when we die.

b. The third wife is our possession, status and wealth. When we die, they go to others.

c. The second wife is our family and friends. No matter how close they had been there for us when we're alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave.

d. The first wife is our soul, neglected in our pursuit of material wealth and pleasure. It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go.

Amazing Face Toner - Let Your Wrinkles Disappear with This

Skin ageing is something which we can’t avoid. But definitely we can treat the issue and get rid of fine lines as well as wrinkles on the skin. There are many cosmetic creams available in the market which promises the youthful skin. However not many get the desired result even after regular application.
So, this is the time to switch to the natural remedies to treat the wrinkles. Here is natural homemade face toner for you which you prevent your skin from getting old and will get you back your youthful skin

Here is the Amazing Wrinkles Remedy

Things you need

  • Lemon- 1
  • Beer- ½ glass
  • Rose water- ½ glass


  1. Take off juice from 1 lemon and add ½ glass each of beer and rose water to it.
  2. Mix it well and apply it on your face using a cotton ball.
  3. Let the mixture be on your face for 2-3 hours or you can apply it overnight for better results.
  4. Later wash your face with warm water.

With the regular use of this skin toner you will get more elastic, softer and smoother skin.

Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found in Nearly 100 Shampoo Brands

Washing your hair and keeping it clean is what we follow regularly to keep hair healthy. But what if the cleaning agent ‘shampoo’ is actually harming your health? Let’s look in detail what your shampoo actually do to you.

A study was performed by the Center for Environmental Health in which different brands of soaps and shampoo were analysis. The result of this Oakland, California-based institute shows that 98 shampoo includes a chemical termed as cocamide diethanolamine (cocamide DEA) and is actually a possible carcinogen.

A lawsuit was recorded against four manufacturers in California for the presence of this controversial ingredient in the body care products.

As per the proposition 65 of the state of California, the manufacturers are bound to provide a warning to the consumers over the risks of using certain substances.

The suspected carcinogen “Cocamide DEA” is listed as a substance of which warning should be given to the customer. It is a banned compound as a recent study provides that it can cause cancer to animals.

Some of the well-known brands such as Paul Mitchell, Colgate-Palmolive and Prell products also has high levels of some of the illegal chemical. Some recent lab test found that even the children’s products like bubble bath from Kmart and shampoo from Babies R Us also consist of carcinogen compounds.

Some of the body care products from Walmart, Kohl’s and Trader Joe’s also have carcinogen substances in it.

The FDA is allowing many toxic chemicals to be a part of shampoos and skin care. Some of these chemicals are also carcinogens and contribute to nervous system disorders as well as liver failure.
So, if you want to protect your family from these harmful chemicals then this is a right time to switch to a natural shampoo.

Here is a recipe to make natural shampoo at home

Things you need

  • Coconut milk- ½ cup
  • Castile soap- 2/3 cup
  • Essential oil- 10-12 drops
  • Almond oil- 2 tsp


  1. Take ½ cup of coconut milk and 2/3 cup of castile soap and mix it in a bowl.
  2. Ass 2 tsp of almond oil and 10-12 drops of essential oil to it.
  3. Stir it well and pour it in an empty bottle.
  4. Shake the bottle properly and use this shampoo to wash your hair.
  5. Use this shampoo regularly to keep you hair healthy and live free from chemicals.

Take advantage of the natural products and stay protected from the chemicals in the cosmetic shampoos.

Functional Foods In The World Which Destroy Cancer Cells

Every cancer cell can be vanquished by the human insusceptible framework. They can be battled by various particular proteins, catalysts and organic codes. The expanding force of tumors relies on upon what we ingest to end their development.
On the off chance that cancer cells encounter a wild development through harm or changes to DNA or if poisons through sustenance and substance contamination override the invulnerable framework’s regular capacity, proteins are completely defenseless. This article records the main 10 accommodating foods which frustrate improvement of tumors amid insusceptible reconnaissance in our bodies.

Examination has found that those sound cells which have been harmed amid the procedure of chemotherapy discharged all the more a protein which advances the survival of cancer cells.
Besides, it was additionally demonstrated that Chemotherapy can make cancer cells interface with neighboring cancer cells making them develop, attack, and above all, oppose progressive treatment. Fortunately, regular options can be of awesome help when conventional medicinal medications offer no beneficial outcomes.
Logical studies have found a particle, otherwise called TIC10, which enacts a protein that battles tumor. This protein, called TRAIL (tumor-putrefaction element related apoptosis-prompting ligand) will overcome tumor development. It can really cross the blood-mind obstruction, which isolates the cerebrum and circulatory framework.
TRAIL is exceptionally powerful because of its useful impacts on the resistant framework. To be specific, the body’s frameworks perceive outside intruders and poisons like chemotherapy, which are not useful for the cerebrum, and because of this, numerous disease medications are obstructed from passing the blood-mind hindrance. By and by, as a consequence of its properties, TRAIL is permitted to go through.

What is of extraordinary significance is the way that TIC10 initiates the TRAIL quality in both, cancer cells and sound ones. This happens when cancer cells are likewise executed, and this wonder has been named “the observer impact”. Furthermore, contiguous solid cells are likewise given a kick off to build the quantity of malignancy murdering TRAIL receptors on the surface of cells.

Main 10 Foods that Kill Cancerous Tumors

The majority of the accompanying nourishments contain to a great degree gainful substances which are known as option wellbeing helps, as well as perceived by the sustenance business. The sustenance business has marked them as “practical nourishments” all together the buyers to be more mindful of the medical advantages they offer.

1. Resveratrol and Grapes

It is really a phenolic compound, which adds to the cancer prevention agent capability of red grapes. It is a cancer prevention agent, on the other hand, as well as a hostile to mutagen. Besides, it diminishes oxidant-brought on cell demise. It has been appeared to repress generation of nitric oxide and tumor putrefaction component alpha (TNF-A). Some of these little cells are then placed in the liver. Overproduction of nitric corrosive can really bring about harm of the liver.
The advantages of resveratrol can be felt by general utilization of red grapes eaten day by day (or by drinking natural grape squeeze) and will secure against tumors actually. It restrains malignancy related cells and any development in the insides.

2. Green Tea

Green tea offers various medical advantages, which are because of the vicinity of a gathering of plant flavonoids called catechins. Specialists particularly concentrate on one of these specifically and it is epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG), which is the primarycatechin in green tea.
The particular system of activity of EGCG by blocking TNF is the concealment of a provocative specialists particularly included in the advancement of arteriosclerosis which is the solidifying of the supply routes. This incendiary operators is called fractalkine and further on prompts cardiovascular issues.

3. Hemp

For no less than 10 years, individuals have been demonstrated that hemp oil can be a substantial growth cure. There are two sorts of hemp oil, one lawful, and the other illicit, since brimming with THC. Both sorts of hemp oil are pressed with protein and are to a great degree useful in different wellbeing conditions.

Hemp oil empowers aggregate recuperating in the body and expands the levels of melatonin present in the body by a large number of times over the typical level. Hemp oil is additionally viewed as a standout amongst the most intense wellsprings of fundamental unsaturated fats and key amino acids. This gives a harmony between the Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9 unsaturated fats.

Melatonin is created by the pineal organ and has no unsafe impact to the body. On the other hand, it antagonistically influences the condition you are experiencing, accordingly dispensing with it.
All cells in the body have melatonin receptors so when it begins to course through the body, the pace of division of cells reductions. In the event that a hormone interfaces with a bosom malignancy cell, it can check estrogen’s typical propensity to advance cell development. Research likewise demonstrates that melatonin ensures against growth of the conceptive organs.
Melatonin can block development of cancer cells and even treat the infection, as appeared in various experimental studies. Likewise, it has additionally been utilized to develop the life of malignancy patients and even enhance their personal satisfaction. Melatonin has likewise been utilized as a part of patients who have untreatable sorts of growth, for example, melanoma or propelled lung malignancy, bringing about fractional or aggregate reduction.

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain carotenoids and lycopene which are viewed as supportive to the body. Tomato juice gives a little measure of carotenoids which were found on the creation of provocative middle people.
Consistent utilization of tomatoes and its items brings down the danger of different sorts of growth, and to a lesser degree, it diminishes coronary illness. TNF-alpha creation by entire blood was observed to be at any rate more than 30% lower in the wake of expending crude tomato juice for very nearly a month.

5. Chlorella and Spirulina

Spirulina has been appeared to offer huge invulnerable boosting properties. It is copious in vitamin K, crucial unsaturated fats, magnesium, iron, vitamin B, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. Along these lines, it gives vitality, has helpful impact in adjusting glucose, mental working and even the restraint of bosom cancer cells. Examination has found that carotenoids in chlorella may be valuable in the counteractive action of tumor in people. Researchers concentrated on the movement of semi-cleaned concentrates of these carotenoids against human malignancy and discovered they restrained cancer cell development in a measurement subordinate way.
Chlorophyll kills ecological poisons and toxins and it offers the blood some assistance with carrying oxygen to all cells and tissues. As you may know, malignancy can’t flourish in cells which are completely oxygenated. Chlorophyll assumes a part in chlorella’s capacity to detoxify substantial metals in the body and is likewise viewed as a characteristic injury healer. It was likewise observed to have the capacity to decrease the capacity of cancer-causing agents to tie with DNA in real organs inside of the body. Its hostile to mutagenic properties offer it some assistance with protecting against poisons, for example, pharmaceutical medications.

6. Garlic

The conventional Chinese medication utilizes garlic for a considerable length of time. Various of its helpful mixes are discharged when a complete garlic globule is isolated into cloves. This makes it extremely intense and effective. One of these discharged mixes is diallyl sulfide, which has been demonstrated to strongly affect malignancy by an expansive number of studies.
A vital compound of garlic is allicin, which truth be told gives its scent and flavor. It is really one of the world’s most intense cancer prevention agents. By the by, the garlic should be decayed to give this cell reinforcement. Powder supplements and garlic oil are made by refining crisp garlic, and this part is then weakened, which demolishes its properties and all its sum present in garlic.
Diallyl sulfide is viewed as a standout amongst the most oil-dissolvable sulfur mixes found in garlic. It represses cell multiplication in cell lines. Examination found that it decimates malignancy cells while free radicals were being created. Also, it was demonstrated that this positive compound has pulverized and deactivated numerous cells that were perilous or were liable to free radicals.

7. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables nourishments incorporate cabbage, broccoli, cabbage, kale, turnips, cauliflower, and a few others which contain carotenoids. These contain numerous supplements, vitamins, minerals, and chemicals called glucosinolates. Studies demonstrate that glucosinolates separate into various organically dynamic mixes which have anticancer impacts.
They additionally contain other great supplements which repress angiogenesis and cancer cell relocation which is required for the procedure of metastasis. Turnip greens are one of the best alternatives to profit by glucosinolate properties.

8. Turmeric

The famous Indian flavor turmeric contains Curcumin, one of the world’s most powerful cell reinforcements. It has been found to be amazingly advantageous and ready to defer arrangement of metastases by various studies.
Curcumin utilizes inhibiting so as to mitigate and against oxidative impacts tumor rot component alpha (TNF-alpha). This shows its conceivable impact on endothelial capacity which may be intervened by the end of irritation or oxidative anxiety through the down-regulation of TNF-alpha.

9. Therapeutic Mushrooms

These useful nourishments have been utilized for more than 5000 years for restorative and wholesome reasons. More than 50 types of mushrooms have been found to have hostile to viral and against growth impacts through creature and in vitro research.
To be specific, six segments of mushrooms have been explored for their action in human tumors: maitake D-part, schizophyllan, dynamic hexose related compound (AHCC), the lentinan segment of shiitake, and two segments of Coriolus versicolor.
Coriolus versicolor has likewise been perceived as a therapeutic mushroom in Chinese prescription under the name yunzhi. It is an extremely regular polypore mushroom which is found all through the world and can be in a wide assortment of hues.
Polysaccharide-K (PSK), is a protein-bound polysaccharide which is utilized as an intense operators ready to support the safe framework in the treatment of growth in some European nations, China and Japan. In Japan, PSK has been affirmed as an adjuvant for disease treatment and is even secured by government medical coverage.
Preparatory research center evaluations in vitro, in vivo and in human clinical trials demonstrated that PSK has an intense anticancer movement. Besides, it was additionally found to conceivably diminish mutagen-prompted, radiation-incited, and suddenly instigated advancement of test cancer cell arrangements.

10. Sea Vegetables

Ocean vegetables effectsly affect tumor. Some of these incorporate wakame, kelp, arame, hijiki, Nori, and kombu. Every one of them are bottomless in minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and bio-accessible iodine.
The enthusiasm of researchers for ocean vegetables is because of the way that constant irritation and endless oxidative anxiety are both danger elements for the creating tumor. Broad examination has been done on them and it has been found that they contain various mitigating and cancer prevention agent mixes.
Ocean vegetables may be compelling for estrogen-related diseases, especially bosom growth. The utilization of ocean vegetables was found to change certain parts of a lady’s ordinary menstrual cycle in routes that over drawn out stretches of time the aggregate sum of emitted estrogen that is discharged amid the follicular period of the cycle is brought down.
Also, their mix of intense supplements gives some danger bringing down advantages for the situation a few sorts of tumor, including colon growth.

Natural Recipe Cures Your Lung Disease, Impotence, High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism, Gastritis

Tibetan monastery has given a gift of the incredible recipe to the world which is thousands of years old.
This recipe is very healthy and beneficial to treat many health ailments and illnesses.
Mover over the use of this recipe should be done only once in five years to gain the health benefits.
The main ingredient of the recipe is garlic, but the ingredient will be hardly visible in the output of this recipe.
The garlic is used in this recipe due to it’s medical properties such as antiseptic and antiviral properties.

Here is a recipe for you

Things you need:

  • Garlic- 12 Oz (350 gr)
  • 95% alcohol- 1 cup (250 ml) (Rum or any alcohol with benzalkonium chloride or methanol)

Things you have to do:

  1. Take the garlic and peel it and mash it carefully
  2. Pour alcohol on the mashed garlic and mix it well.
  3. Add the combination to a glass bottle. Make sure the bottle is properly sterilized
  4. Now, let the mixture remain for 10 days. Later strain the liquid.
  5. Put the liquid back into the glass and store it in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  6. Add only 1 drop of this liquid in a glass of water and drink it before breakfast and lunch.
  7. Add 2-3 drops of this liquid in 1 glass of water and drink it before dinner.
  8. The liquid will last for 12 days and it is safe to use it for this period of time.
You will gain extraordinary health benefits from this remedy. This drink will help you to treat impotence, arthritis, sinusitis, atherosclerosis, lung disease, gastritis, haemorrhoids and rheumatism.

Also, this drink supports the improvement in hearing and vision and stimulates the metabolism which helps in weight loss.
So, try this amazing drink today and get maximum benefits!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


We tend to give ourselves less credit than we deserve. Always expecting more from ourselves and judging our self-worth by the material possessions that we hold. When in fact, true richness is richness of soul. Happiness comes from freedom and freedom is a gift that you give to yourself.
thoughts dnaThere is subtle strength that lies within us all. A higher consciousness that never gives up and is always seeking for the upheaval from the darkness into the light. A raising of our vibration and the constant forming and reforming of our mind, bringing us back to that in which we ultimately seek.
We are all here together on this wonderful journey and it takes strength and courage to follow this path to freedom.
There will always come times, when we do not remember how strong we truly are and so, here is a simple reminder to shine a little light on the way.
1. You embrace life as a journey
You know that life is an experience and one to be lived to its fullest. Every moment is precious opportunity to learn, grow and evolve. Even through the darkest of times, we know that the light is surely to follow and we hold our strength until the light beams from within us once more.
2.You are aware of your weaknesses
You understand that no one is ‘perfect’, and you don’t dwell on the things that you can’t change about yourself. Instead, you embrace your strengths and nourish your weaknesses as sometimes our greatest weakness, can be our greatest strength.
3.You change what you can change
spiritual journeyYou know that you can’t change the world, but you can change your world and so you work from the inside out; positively affecting anyone who comes into contact with you.
Radiating your light as far as you can, like a candle in wind flickering for all to see as you beam brightly in this world.
4. You’re not afraid of failure
You understand that failure is an opportunity for growth and failure puts us in the prime position to evolve and become wiser.
5. You do things your own way
You know that life’s greatest treasure is to learn and learning in your own unique way. You don’t follow the crowd and you choose to create your own masterpiece.
6. You are vulnerable
You understand that being vulnerable doesn’t mean being weak and you are humble and balanced enough to see this.
7. You don’t hold a grudge
5 Tips to Let Go of Control and Create More HarmonyYou understand that holding a grudge only hurts you. Everyone has their own reasons and everyone has their own perception of life; everyone has their own path to follow.
8. You let people judge you
When you let people judge you it gives you insight into their internal state and puts you in a position to advise them. Also, when judged you are able to find something within yourself that you may not have yet resolved. Everyone is your mirror in life, and just by letting someone else judge you, it gives you great depth of perception.
9. You have patience
You understand that patience doesn’t mean waiting and you continually work hard on your dreams. Just because something isn’t happening for you right now in this very moment that you want to, doesn’t mean that it will never happen.
10. You don’t wait for tomorrow
How to Release Negativity and Restore Your SpiritYou know that the next moment in your life is not more important than this moment now and so you do today what you dream of later and you live today like it was your last.
11. Challenges excite you
We all have to admit that life without challenge would be pretty dull and so you embrace these times as an opportunity to strengthen your abilities.
12. You give love
We’ve all been through hard times, had our hearts broken, dreams fallen apart and watched as everything we had built crumble to the ground and still, we are capable of love. That, is a miracle in itself.
Among st all of the trials and tribulations of life we are still able to give, accept and love with all of our hearts. This capacity of love that we all have is what will bring us into the new era, the golden age of light.
13. You embrace your fears
You understand that fear is a product of a thought-form and treat it as such. Constantly seeking to reorganize your mind in the knowing that the only thing to fear, is fear itself.
14. You stand up for what you believe in
unfulfilledYou are in tune with yourself and trust your heart. When something doesn’t resonate with you, you have the courage to voice it.
15. You speak your mind
You trust yourself and are confident in knowing that your thoughts are just as valid as anyone else.
16. You follow your heart
You know that your heart is your greatest teacher and are wise enough to respect its wishes no matter how far, how wild and how far off the beaten trail it will lead you.
17. You never give up
As the sun rises and falls each day, you too hold the strength and courage to rise, each time you fall.
18. You have the strength to surrender
Are You Afraid of EnlightenmentSounds like a contradiction to 17 right? But..
There will come a day when you have exhausted your heart, risen and fallen many of times and finally when you surrender to yourself, you will know that it was heart that led you to your surrender. Upon this surrender you will find new strength and peace in knowing that you are eternity ;  you are the creator and the created.
Life can be a wonderful journey. We are always learning, evolving and growing with each other– until the end we will stand strong and when we surrender, it will be only to ourselves and in that moment we will find peace.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

7 Sex Positions That Are Really Hard (lol) to Do

You can do it, put your back into it
Want to spice up your missionary-only sex life? Start by doing six months of yoga and Pilates, then move on to these extra hot sex positions. Only the strong will survive — but your out-of-this-world orgasms will be worth it. 💪🍆🍑💦👀

1Head Over Heels

Lower yourself to your knees and cross your arms on the ground in front of you, using a pillow to cushion your elbows. Stick your butt in the air and rest your head on your arms. Tell your partner to stand behind you and lift your legs up by your ankles, then, keeping your knees bent, have him enter you from behind. This position has all the benefits of doggy-style, with the bonus of gravity on your side. For extra fun, have him swivel his hips while he's inside you. The combination of the new angle and the added movement will excite hot spots you never knew you had, ensuring a mind-blowing climax for the both of you — maybe even at the same time.


Whether you call it a spare tire or a muffin top or just “my junk,” the ring of fat that collects around the top of your waist can ruin the line of a perfect dress, make even the coolest T-shirt look schlumpy, and generally make you feel F-A-T fat.
Fortunately, having love handles is more of a style risk than a health risk. Unlike belly fat, which infiltrates your internal organs and is linked to everything from diabetes to heart disease to liver failure, that spare tire is made of subcutaneous fat, a type of fat located just below the skin, and which just sort of sits there; in fact, some studies suggest subcutaneous fat may even help protect us from certain health issues. But that doesn’t mean we have to love the way they look—or live with them.
The problem with love handles is that they don’t respond as well to moderate exercise or stress reduction. The are only way to get rid of them: There’s the hard way, which is to burn them off through vigorous exercise. And there’s the easy way, which is to use some simple tricks found in Zero Belly to cut down on calories and sugar while revving your metabolism with fat-burning foods that are high in fiber and protein.

Here are 30 of the best Zero Belly–approved foods to whittle your waist and bring your midriff back in line. And for 150+ recipes that flatten your belly fast—made with the foods you love—buy the best-selling book from Abs Diet creator David Zinczenko: Zero Belly Cookbook!


oat bran
If you like to start your day with oatmeal, it’s time to give yourself an upgrade. While oatmeal is a terrific breakfast, with 8 grams of fiber and 12 grams of protein per cup, oatbran is a whole other level. It packs a whopping 18 grams of fiber and 20 grams of protein, for the same number of calories. (What’s the difference between the two? Oatbran is made from the outer husks of the oat, while oatmeal is made from the inner portion.) Don’t screw it up by dumping brown sugar or syrup on it. Low-fat milk and cinnamon are the best accompaniments.


sweet potatoes
The king of slow carbs (meaning they’re digested slowly and keep you feeling fuller and energized longer), sweet potatoes were a breakfast staple for Morgan Minor, a 24-year-old firefighter from Coalinga, California, who dropped 7 pounds in her first week of Zero Belly. And after just 21 days, a sculpted stomach emerged—Morgan had shed four inches off her waist. “I had plateaued at 160 for over a month, and Zero Belly helped me lose more than ten pounds in 3 weeks!” Among the magic ingredients here are carotenoids, antioxidants which stabilize blood-sugar levels and lower insulin resistance, which prevents calories from being converted into fat. And their high vitamin profile (including A, C and B6) give you more energy to burn at the gym. (Lose weight—fast!—with these 55 Best Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism!)


shredded wheat
To melt your love handles, look the a cereal with the most fiber and the least sugar. It’s hard to top Shredded Wheat; with its 9 grams of fiber per serving, and zero sugar, it’s one of the absolute best commercial cereal brands for people specifically looking to lose fat around their midsections.



Most commercially prepared soups, especially bisques and other smooth soups, have added sugar or other unsavory ingredients that will mess up your middle. Opt for thick, chunky soups like minestrone, which are higher in fiber and tend not to come with additional sugars. So enjoy a bowl—and avoid these30 Bad Habits That Lead to a Fat Belly!


black rice
Also known as “forbidden rice” because only emperors were allowed to eat it, black rice may be the cheapest source of antioxidants around. According to the American Chemical Society, black rice has more antioxidants than a spoonful of blueberries, with more fiber, more vitamin E, and less sugar. More antioxidants means less inflammation, which means less fat storage for you.


white tea
White tea works in three distinct ways to help strip away fat from your body. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism showed that white tea can simultaneously boost lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) and block adipogenesis (the formation of fat cells). Another group of researchers found that the tea is also a rich source of antioxidant that triggers the release of fat from the cells and help speed the liver’s ability to turn fat into energy. Who needs Spanx when you can just sip on this powerful brew? If there’s such a thing as a muffin-top-melting tea, this is it. In fact, we at Eat This, Not That! love tea so much, we made it part of our bestselling new diet plan, The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse! Test panelists lost up to 4 inches from their waist!


black beans
High in fiber and low in fat, beans are a Zero Belly power food because they’re great source of resistant starch, meaning that they “resist” digestion, sticking around the digestive tract and helping you feel fuller longer. By feeding your healthy gut bugs, beans help your body generate the chemical butyrate, which encourages the body to burn fat as fuel. A study at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center even found that beans can lessen the accumulation of body fat. All beans do the trick, but the darker the bean, the greater its concentration of phytochemicals, which is why black is best.


corn tortillas
This simple swap can make all the difference: Two corn tortillas can deliver 3 grams of fiber for a mere 80 calories and 1 gram of fat. Two flour tortillas will give you just 2 grams of fiber, but they’ll cost you 260 calories and 10 grams of fat. So which should you make your next quesadilla out of? At Mexican restaurants, ask them to replace the flour tortillas with corn in all your dishes.


jerusalem artichoke
In one Canadian study, subjects who were supplemented with a type of gut-healthy insoluble fiber called oligofructose not only lost weight but reported less hunger than those who received a placebo. Researchers discovered that the subjects who received the fiber had higher levels of ghrelin—a hormone that controls hunger—and lower levels of blood sugar. Jerusalem artichokes--which are actually the roots of a type of sunflower--are one of the best sources of the fiber. Ogliofructose is also found in onions and leeks, as well as rye and barley.



High in fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, guacamole. A half cup of guac—assuming you didn’t go and blow it by mixing in sour cream or something else that doesn’t belong—gives you more than 7 grams of fiber. For a super quick recipe, mix 1 ripe avocado, the juice of one lime, 2 Tbs chopped fresh cilantro and a pinch or two of sea salt.


tiger nuts
No animals were harmed in the making of this food! Tiger nuts are made neither of tigers nor of nuts; they’re actually tubers, which means people with nut allergies can eat them safely. They look a bit like toasted corn kernels and taste kind of like coconut. A serving of 20 tiger nuts delivers 4 grams of fiber for just 60 calories.


chickpea pasta
With double the protein and four times the fiber of wheat pasta, Banza—made from chickpeas—turns a traditional carb into a muscle-building fat fighter. For anyone avoiding gluten, it’s a better choice than pastas made from corn, rice or potato powder, which are often devoid of any real nutrition. And click here for a cheaper list of The 29 Best-Ever Proteins—many meat-free!


It’s the Spanish term for pumpkin seed, and if you consider them just jack o’lantern innards, you’re in for a treat. One ounce of seeds has eight grams of protein — more than an egg or almonds — and is rich in flat-belly nutrients like fiber, zinc and potassium, which are key to muscle building and recovery. Sprinkle them in salads or over oats.


frozen peas
Looking for a cold, crunchy snack? Keep a bag of peas in the freezer and pour some into a cup for a filling nosh. A cup of peas has 7 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber, and because you pop them a few at a time, they’ll keep your hands and mouth busy, preventing you from seeking out more sinful treats.


Red fruits are an important part of the Zero Belly plan, but even among these nutritional powerhouses, raspberries stand alone as the single best source of insoluble fiber. A cup of the little ruby jewels has 8 grams of fiber, compared to less than 3 grams in the same amount of strawberries. Insoluble fiber helps feed the healthy bacteria in your gut, triggering the production of a fatty acid that reduces fat-causing inflammation throughout your body. And in a Canadian study, researchers discovered that those whose diets were supplemented with insoluble fiber had higher levels of ghrelin—a hormone that controls hunger. And fuel up fast with the muscle-building protein in these 50 Best Snacks for Weight Loss!


Resolve to do more prying. Oysters are one of the best food sources of zinc, a mineral that works with the hormone leptin to regulate appetite. Research shows that overweight people tend to have higher levels of leptin and lower levels of zinc than slimmer folk. A study published in the journal Life Sciences found that taking zinc supplements could increase leptin production in obese men by 142 percent! A half-dozen oysters only has 43 calories but provides 21 percent of your RDA of iron—deficiencies of which have been linked to a significant increase in fat gene expression.


dark chocolate
A recent study found that antioxidants in cocoa prevented laboratory mice from gaining excess weight and actually lowered their blood sugar levels. And another study at Louisiana State University found that gut microbes in our stomach ferment chocolate into heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory compounds that shut down genes linked to insulin resistance and inflammation. To enhance the effects, try pairing your chocolate with some apple slices: The fruit speeds up the fermentation process, leading to an even greater reduction in inflammation and weight.


sprouted bread
What’s unique about the Ezekial breads is that, unlike most brands, the company doesn’t use sugar in their loaves. With a combination of wheat, barley, millet, lentils, and spelt, this low-gluten brand packs 8 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber into every sandwich.


spa water
You see it sitting there every time you’re sitting around waiting for a massage. Spa water--a pitcher of ice water with sliced whole lemons, oranges or grapefruit--is a great substitute for pretty much anything else you might be tempted to drink. The citrus fruit peels add a compound called d-limonene, a powerful antioxidant that stimulates liver enzymes, helping to rid the body of toxins and flush fat from your system. And don’t forget: delicious smoothies really can help you lose weight! For 150+ recipes that will make your belly flat, buy the brand-new book from Abs Diet creator David Zinczenko: Zero Belly Cookbook!


As much as 92 percent of Americans eat a diet that’s deficient in vitamin E. And that trend seems highest among obese people, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Almonds are among the best dietary sources of vitamin E, packing about 20 milligrams per half cup, and are also high in monounsaturated fats and fiber.


It’s a complete protein, meaning that it contains the complete chain of amino acids that are necessary for muscle building and fat loss. (Brown rice is an incomplete protein.) In a 2015 study in the Journal of Diabetes Investigation, researchers discovered that patients who ingested higher amounts of vegetable protein were far less susceptible to metabolic syndrome (a combination of high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and obesity). It’s also high in the amino acid lysine, which helps you burn fat and maintain healthy bones and skin. According to a study published in the journal Food Chemistry, quinoa has the highest level of betaine, a chemical that revs your metabolism and actually shuts down the genes that encourage fat to hang around.


Like a marathoner stretching before the big run, eating half a grapefruit before a meal can enhance your body’s fat-burning performance. A study published in the journal Metabolism found that this “warm-up” tactic can help whittle your middle—by up to an inch—in just six weeks! The scientists attribute the powerful effects to the grapefruits’ fat-zapping phytochemicals. The fruit can interact negatively with certain medications, so as long as you get the green-light from your M.D, plan to have half of a grapefruit before your morning meal.


Polyunsaturated fats like those found in walnuts activate genes that reduce fat storage and improve insulin metabolism. At about 13 grams per one-ounce serving, walnuts are one of the best dietary sources. A small Pennsylvania State study found that a diet rich in walnuts and walnut oil may help the body respond better to stress and can also help keep diastolic blood pressure levels down. For more invaluable tips, check out our exclusive 25 Best Nutrition Tips Ever.


Tuna or to-not? That is the question. As a primo source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), canned light tuna is one of the best and most affordable fish for weight loss, especially from around your waist! One study in the Journal of Lipid Research showed that omega 3 fatty acid supplementation had the profound ability to turn off fat genes. And while you’ll find two types of fatty acids in cold water fish and fish oils—DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)—researchers say DHA can be 40 to 70 percent more effective than EPA at down regulating fat genes and preventing fat cells from expanding in size.


What the hell is purslane? While not a common food in most of the U.S., this sour, slightly salty green is often used in Greek and Turkish cooking. You can find it at health food stores throughout the year, and in farmers’ markets in spring and summer, but the most likely place you’ll encounter it is growing in the cracks of your driveway. A weed to most, it was a regular part of Gandhi’s diet, and a mere half cup has more than 1,000 IUs of fat-fighting vitamin A. This might be the cheapest stealth health food in the world!


salad with poached egg
Eggs are the E in “ZERO BELLY” for a reason: They’re the single best dietary source of a fat-fighting nutrient called choline. But you can improve their fat-fighting powers by choosing omega-3 eggs. Omega-3 enriched eggs are laid by hens that are fed flaxseeds, chia seeds, and fish oil, thereby automatically improving your cluck! Whip up a breakfast at home to reap the benefits, and read our special report: 14 Ways to Lose Your Belly in 14 Days!